
Flirt FM understands that as a community radio, it can create awareness and action on environmental and community issues by being a source of knowledge for its community on issues such as climate and the environment. Tired of traditional weather and traffic reports, it changed its approach. Where once it provided static information on what the weather was like or where there were traffic jams, it now provides hyperlocal weather, environmental and community data, e.g., air quality, traffic conditions for cyclists or which fruit and veg is in season to lower the shopping carbon footprint. This approach creates a sense of place within the community and encourages Flirt FM’s audiences to take advantage of all that Galway City offers.


Flirt FM has been committed to broadcasting on environmental and social topics for many years, and they were one of the first broadcasters to feature an environmental section in their news broadcast. Tired of the traditional approach to weather reporting on whether or not it’s raining, Eoghan Holland, Head of News at Flirt FM, knew that as a broadcaster, they could go beyond traditional weather and traffic updates. Recognising that community radio is a source of ongoing connection to information, ideas and conversation, Eoghan spotted the opportunity to engage Flirt FM’s audience on local environmental and social topics, such as tide times to air quality and from the number of cars on the road to the conditions for cyclists. Providing this information empowers residents to enjoy local amenities and activities, whether it is going for a swim or heading to a food market, as well as creating awareness of environmental and social issues.


Flirt FM acknowledged the inherent limitations of traditional weather and traffic reporting, which lacks localisation and fails to provide information relevant to the community. For years, Flirt FM had been delivering weather and traffic updates without considering the unique needs and characteristics of the locality. This approach rendered the information provided somewhat redundant and failed to engage the listeners effectively.

One of the major challenges faced by Flirt FM was the realisation that traffic reporting, in particular, had become redundant. Once listeners were already in their cars, they could not react or alter their routes based on traffic updates. This raised questions about the relevance and usefulness of such traffic reports.


Flirt FM began to explore alternative approaches to weather and traffic reporting to make the content more relevant and useful for the local community. Eoghan and his team wanted to provide accurate information tailored to the local community’s specific needs and interests. They began to implement hyper-localised data to cater to the specific needs and interests of Galway’s residents. For instance, they began providing data on UV indexes, tide times, and river water levels, essential for a coastal community with popular swimming areas. By sharing this information, Flirt FM encouraged passive awareness and active engagement with the local surroundings, encouraging people to enjoy a swim in the sea when the conditions allowed.

Flirt FM focused on wind and rain conditions and how they impact cycling conditions to cater to cyclists’ needs. It is generally accepted in climate communications that the most meaningful messages draw on local stories and are solutions focused. With this in mind, Flirt FM now provide information on seasonal vegetables to encourage their listeners to buy locally (and so cut down on air miles), and they also tell their listeners how much renewable electricity Ireland has produced in the previous 24 hours as a way to normalise the use of and need for renewable energy. Through these enriching additions, Flirt FM’s broadcasts became more relevant, engaging, and impactful. The Flirt FM team relies on various sources to gather data for their reports, including Met Éireann, AA Roadwatch, Transportation Infrastructure Ireland (TII), Bord Bia, and AccuWeather. With a well-structured approach to research in place, reviewing and compiling the information takes less than 10 minutes per day, allowing for timely and accurate broadcasts.

Results and Benefits

By incorporating localised information, Flirt FM has created a stronger sense of place for the community. The broadcasts no longer feel like recitations of generic weather information but offer unique insights and relevant context for Galway’s inhabitants. The reports have normalised the consideration of air quality and enable listeners to understand what changes in pollution levels are and their impact. Additionally, the inclusion of diverse content has attracted and engaged different interest groups, such as swimmers, cyclists, and vegetable growers. Flirt FM’s approach has enhanced community interactions and offered tangible value to its audience. Educating people in a passive way on environmental issues relevant to their area.

The approach has been so successful that Eoghan has been asked to host a session with community radio stations to train them on how to localise their weather reporting and engage their listeners on sustainability and what’s happening in their locality.

Lessons Learned

Flirt FM have discovered a wealth of widely available free information about their locality, which they harnessed to broaden local interaction within their reports. Local sources Eoghan uses include the Galway tide times, the Air Quality Index for the city and Transport Infrastructure Ireland traffic monitoring data for Galway. This information is available for all localities.

Eoghan also emphasised the importance of tailoring the information to specific localities, acknowledging the diverse needs and interests of different regions. The initiative showcased the value of combining multiple sources of information to provide a comprehensive report and highlighted the significance of solid and reliable data sources.

"By providing hyperlocal weather reports, we have been able to create a sense of place and foster stronger community engagement’’ ‘’It's about going beyond generic information and making the weather report more relevant and meaningful for our audience"
Eoghan Holland, Head of News at Flirt FM

Listen to an episode of FLIRT FM’s hyperlocal weather report here:


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