Workshop to co-create the sustainability roadmap for the Irish broadcasting sector

This event on 10th March 2020 in the Chester Beatty Library in Dublin is an opportunity for representatives from Ireland’s Broadcasting sector to come together to discuss the important topic of sustainability. It is the first meeting of the Broadcasting Sustainability Network and an exciting day for all involved.

Participants at the event will hear more about the BAI’s plans for the Network and how it will operate. Network Coordinators SustainabilityWorks will then share the insights they have gathered from consulting with different broadcasters as part of the development of the Network.

The main focus for the event, however, is the co-creation of a sustainability roadmap for the sector, which will then be further developed by SustainabilityWorks and published by the BAI as a guide for all Network members.

The agenda for the event is as follows:

• 10.00 – 10.30: Welcome and Introductions

• 10.30 – 11.15: Part 1: Introducing the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)

• 11.15 – 11.45: Part 2: Vision and Roadmap

• 11.45 – 11.55: BREAK

• 11.55 – 12.30: Part 3: Actions and Metrics

• 12.30 – 1.00: Part 4: Network Activities for the months ahead

• 1.00 – 1.10: Wrap-up and Close

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If you want to find out more about Sustainable Media Ireland, are interested in becoming a Member, or are keen to collaborate, please get in touch by sending us an email.

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